Sunday, November 11, 2012

Escape from the Usual

Can't think of a better way to spend a Sunday than strolling through Greenpoint, popping into coffee shops and wandering aimlessly. Led by my favorite Brooklynite, was given a warm and sunny introduction to a previously unfamiliar part of town. Quaint and quiet side streets, casual brunch spots and coffee shops with enough seats to stay a while... I think I could get used to this. And maybe am already a little too comfortable. After returning to my own borough (3 coffees deep),  I've spent the rest of the afternoon browsing antique furniture shops and local book stores. Am now sitting at yet another coffee shop and doing… well, nothing at all.  And certainly not studying as planned. A silent protest against a school that apparently thinks any professor will suffice for introductory courses, regardless of experience or credentials? Perhaps. Ah, well. Off to drinks.  

1 comment:

mjr615 said...

All I can say is, glad you are getting your fluids.