Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Best Exotic Brooklyn Borough

A thought for consideration (if only to prevent this blog from becoming even more stale than it is). Went on a brief staycation today in Brooklyn and am as convinced as ever that Brooklyn is not only a worthy component of New York City, but is, in itself, a city independent of the other boroughs. After a trip to the Botanical Gardens, lunch outside at a cafe, and an afternoon in Prospect Park, it occurred to me that Brooklyn doesn't need Manhattan to draw tourists in. Brooklyn is the destination.

Can other newly popular cities across the states — Boulder, Portland and Asheville to name a few — provide more entertainment for a long weekend than Brooklyn can? I personally doubt it. I'll happily vacation often in the exotic borough.

cherry blossoms

1 comment:

mjr615 said...

Fuhgettabout it ! Brooklyn is the best. I hope to book a vacation to Brooklyn some day. Do I need a visa or just a passport?